
ScriptMind note taking assistant.


ScriptMind is exclusively available on the web, offering unparalleled accessibility and convenience. It's an ecosystem where your ideas are not just stored but nurtured to grow.


TTS(Text To Speach)

Hear your notes come to life. Convert text to speech for easy listening and accessibility.


3d Graph

Visualize your knowledge web. Connect ideas with tags and folders in an interactive graph


AI Note taking assistant

Transform your thoughts into text with our intelligent AI assistant. Effortless note-taking at your fingertips


Auto Save

Never lose a thought. Our auto-save feature ensures your ideas are always secured as soon as they're typed.


Linking Tags

Discover connections in your notes with a 2D graph layout, dynamically organizing content through tags

Elevate your note-taking with AI. Our web-based platform offers AI-assisted writing, dynamic 2D graph visualization, text-to-speech, and auto-save features. Connect ideas and discover insights effortlessly. Welcome to your enhanced digital workspace.

Unlock Your Thoughts with Ease

ScriptMind is coming to the web. Sign up now for early access and be among the first to experience the future of note-taking. Transform your ideas into insights with ScriptMind.